03 January 2012

Telly Tuesday: 500 episodes in a year!

The 500 Episodes in a Year Challenge
The goal is simple: 500 episodes in a year
Each episode counts as just one: if it’s 20 min long, 
it’s still 1 episode, not just half. If it’s, lets say, a Sherlock episode,
one hour and a half, it’s still just 1 episode, not 2 or 3 or 4.
This is way less than 2 episodes per day, so it’s not impossible at all,
in fact in 2010 I reached this goal in half a year.
So yeah homes. Watch all the episodes!

Over the course of 2011 I became a huge tumblr whore.
I really, really did. I have no regrets.
Alas, while trollin my dash I found the 500-challenge re-blogged from Abbi.
Needless to say, I was IN!
So here I am on the blog holding myself accountable with the new segment Telly Tuesday!
Every Tuesday for 2012, I am going to recap all of my episodes!

You'll see a list with the show, the season/series, the episode
&& maybe a quick blip of my feelings toward the show/episode!

Sound fun!? I think so! Feel free to join in!
&& let me know in the comments if you do!

So here we go!

January 1st && January 2nd:
  • "Doctor Who" :: S3 :: Ep 10 "Blink"
    •  As it happens I was watching this one over the midnight pass!
      It is either my favorite DW ep or it is solidly in the TOP OF ALL TIME.
      Needless to say, I was entirely too pleased to start the new year off with the Doctor!
  • "Casanova" :: Miniseries :: "Episode 1"
    • Oh, David Tennant! As Casanova! Need I say more?!
My TV has been very Tennant-centric so far!
I am not complaining......not one bit!

Telly Shows to Date:

1 comment:

  1. I'm doing that as well! But I don't think I will review the episodes, except maybe once a month... I love that I now have a proper reason to watch A LOT of TV. Kind of like the Goodreads reading challenge.


Dude, I totally love you back!